25th September 2024

Year 4 Environmental Education Seagrass Project

Year 4 had the wonderful opportunity to participate in a beach survey at Ryde Beach last week, assisting the Seagrass company in studying the health of the seagrass meadows during low tide.

Using quadrats, the children carefully placed them on the sand and meticulously counted the number of seagrass plants within each section. This valuable data was then shared with the Seagrass team for their ongoing research. Over a 50-metre radius, the children also worked hard to locate uprooted seagrass, which had been displaced by strong winds or currents, and gently replanted it.

This informative trip provided important lessons about the vital role seagrass plays in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, the children were also made aware of the alarming fact that one-third of the world’s seagrass has already disappeared. It was an eye-opening experience that highlighted the urgent need for action, and we are proud to have taken this meaningful first step towards helping our environment.