Senior Leadership Team
If you wish to email a member of staff in Senior School please contact them through the Parent Portal or get in touch via EMAIL.
- Mr Will Turner Head Master
- Mrs Jemma Harding Deputy Head (Pastoral)
- Dr George Speller Deputy Head (Academic)
- Mr Andrew Daville Head of Senior School
- Mr Ed Marsden Head of Prep
- Mrs Emily Willetts Head of Nursery & Pre-Prep
- Mr Matt Rochford Assistant Head (Co Curricular and P.E.)
Senior School Staff
If you wish to email a member of staff in Senior School please contact them through the Parent Portal or get in touch via EMAIL.
- Mr Mike Alderton MPhys Centenary Housemaster/Physics
- Mr Louis Attrill MBE MEng Pg Dl PGCE Head of Chine/Physics
- Mr Frank Bagnall BSc (Hons) PGCE Director of Sport & Fitness/PE/Head of Rugby
- Mrs Pippa Ball BA (Hons) Head of Years 8 & 9/English
- Ms Kerry E Bishop BSc BA (Hons) Teacher i/c Psychology/Science
- Mr Ashley Brett BA (Hons) PGCE Teacher i/c Spanish
- Miss Natalie J Broughton BA (Hons) BA MA PGCE Head of Art
- Mrs Hattie Buckett BA (Hons) PGCE Teacher of Art
- Mr Tim Bull BA Head of Academic Drama/Dance Live/Theatre Manager
- Mrs Philippa Bussell Head of Girls Games/Assistant to Head of Pastoral Care/PE
- Miss Victoria Cave MA PGCE History/Geography
- Mr Matthew G Chalmers BSc (Hons) Head of Chemistry/Rowing
- Mrs Sarah Chapman BSc (Hons) PGCE Mathematics
- Mr Jonathan C Comben BA (Hons) Head of History/Bronze Duke of Edinburgh's Award
- Mr Andrew Daville MA Oxon QTS Head of Senior School/Physics
- Mrs Rebecca Daville MA Oxon PGCE Head of Year 7/English
- Mr Thomas Dumbach MSt Oxon AB Harvard (Hons) Head of Seaford/Teacher i/c Latin/US Universities Entrance/Scholarships
- Miss Poppy Wallace Dutton BSc (Hons) PE
- Miss Georgia Dye BTEC PE Sports Coach/Head of Football/Girls Cricket
- Ms Jodi A Dyer BA (Hons) PGCE Head of Section (10-11)/Languages/i/c Spanish
- Mr Henry Edwards BSc (Hons) PGCE Millfield Housemaster/Head of Academic PE
- Dr Christopher Flaherty MA (Hons) MPhil PGCE PhD Teacher i/c Politics/MUN
- Mr Brian Fu BSc (Hons) MS Design Technology/Sport
- Mrs Natasha Green-Appleton (PT) BSc MSc Science
- Ms Manu Grice Languages
- Ms Heather Ham (PT) MSc PGCE Mathematics/Psychology
- Mrs Jemma Harding BSc (Hons) PGCE DSL/Deputy Head (Pastoral)/Psychology
- Mr Tom Harding BA (Hons) MaST QTS Business Studies/Maths
- Ms Hannah Hay BA(Hons) PGCE Teacher i/c Cookery
- Mrs Kimberly Hayter (PT) BA (Hons) PGCE History/Politics
- Mr Jack Henson (PT) BA (Hons) DipHE Music
- Mr Mike Hooper BA MA PGCE Head of Economics & Business/BTEC Quality Nominee
- Mr Adam Jackson BA (Hons) PGCE NPQH Head of Modern Languages Faculty/Senior Teacher/ Gold DofE (ECTs & PGCE)
- Mr Anthony Johnston BA (Hons) Head of ICT
- Mr Peter Johnson BSc (Hons) and BA (Hons) Mathematics/School Chaplain
- Ms Emily C Jones BA (Hons) PGCE 2nd in Dept/English
- Mrs Jackie Jones BSC (Hons) MA PGCE Head of Learning Support/English
- Mr Romain Jonneau BA (Hons) MA PGCE MFL French
- Miss Claudia Manser BSc (Hons) PTLLS Director of Sailing/Economics & Business Studies
- Mr Joe McCormack Sports Coach
- Mr Alastair Nye BA (Hons) QTS Mathematics
- Mr Mike Osbourne BA (Hons) MA Design Tutor and DT Technician
- Mrs Louisa E O’Sullivan BSc Ed (Hons) Mathematics
- Mr Paul Pavlou BA (Hons) PGCE Head of Maths/Senior Teacher (Timetable)
- Ms Eliesha Penner BA (Hons) PGCE Head of English
- Mr Nicholas Percy BSc OLY - Sports Graduate
- Ms Rona Perkins (PT) MA ESL/SEN
- Dr Marie Pointer BSc (Hons) PGCE Science Teacher
- Miss Poppy Price BA (Hons) PGCE English/Learning Support
- Mrs Janina Rann (PT) BA PGCE Art
- Mr Matthew Rochford BA (Hons) PGCE, NPQSL Assistant Head Co-curricular/PE
- Miss Christie Rose BA (Hons) Head of Design Technology
- Mr David Shapland MEd Director of Learning/IB Coordinator/RE/TOK Director of Studies (Sixth Form)
- Ms Tetiana Slapina BA (Hons) PGCE German
- Dr George R Speller BSc MPhil PhD Deputy Head (Academic)/Science
- Mrs Pip Spibey-Dodd Games Coach
- Miss Gemma S Stenning BA (Hons) PGCE Assistant Head (Academic)/English/Director of Studies (Y7-11)
- Mr Peter G Swann BSc (Hons) PGCE Head of Physics
- Mrs Begona Tarrago Spanish Language Assistant
- Mrs Beatriz Teotónio MSci Science PGDE Science Education
- Mr Craig G S Trevallion BSc Head of Biology
- Mr Will Turner BA (Hons) PGCE Head Master/Languages
- Mrs Rachel F Tweddle IPGCSE GTCL LTCL Head of Music/Choir Director
- Miss Charlotte Verleure BA PGCE Assistant Head of Year 10-11/ i/c French
- Miss Christina Vince BA (Hons) PGCE Director of Health and Wellbeing/EPQ Coordinator/English
- Mrs Leighann Waldron BA Hons MEd PGCE 2nd in Dept, Mathematics/Internal Exams
- Mr Jamie Wainwright BA (Hons) Head of Geography
- Ms Cynthia Min Wang Bed (Hons) MEd PGCE Teacher i/c Mandarin
- Mr Giles Watson BA (Hons) QTS History/Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator
- Mrs Jodi J Whillier (PT) BSc QTS Mathematics
- Mr Mark Whillier BSc QTS Head of Section (7-9)/Chemistry
- Mr Jim Willetts (PT) BSc Econ Head of Religious Studies/Economics/Careers & HE Advisor
- Mr Matt J Windsor BSc Head of Sixth Form/Geography
- Mr Andrew Woodward Cricket Professional
- Mr Charlie Youlten BA PGCE Head of Arts Faculty/Performance/Drama
- Mrs Wanda Youlten BA (Hons) PGCE Assistant Head of Sixth Form/English
- Miss Harriet Young BSc (Hons) MA PGCE/Chemistry/Design Technology
Nursery, Pre-Prep & Prep Staff
If you wish to email a member of staff in Nursery and Pre-Prep, please contact them through the Parent Portal or get in touch with the Pre-Prep School office via EMAIL.
If you wish to email a member of staff in Prep please contact them through the Parent Portal or get in touch with the Prep School office via EMAIL.
- Mr Ed Marsden BSc (Hons) Head of Prep/Assistant DSL
- Mrs Emily Willetts BA (Hons) PGCE Head of Nursery & Pre-Prep /Assistant DSL
- Ms Cathy Armstrong Teaching Assistant Level 3 Teaching Assistant
- Mrs Chloe Buckley Nursery Assistant
- Mrs Caroline Callaghan Diploma in Montessori Early Years, Nursery Assistant
- Miss Kerry Clarke BA (Hons) PGCE NNEB Year 1 Class Teacher
- Ms Emma Cooke Nursery Assistant
- Mrs Emily Dickson BA (Hons), PGCE 3D Form Teacher
- Mrs Petra Evans BEd (Hons) Year 2 Class Teacher
- Mrs Steph Flux (PT) 6F Form Teacher/Teacher i/c Languages (Prep)
- Mr Andrew Gallerwood BA (Hons) QTS Head of STEM/Head of Football
- Mrs Gillian Gallerwood BA (Hons) QTS Head of Chine/Assistant to Head of Pastoral Care (Prep)
- Mrs Sian Hickmott Nursery Manager AMI TQUK Level 2
- Mrs Louise Hughes BA (Hons) QTS Reception Teacher
- Mrs Jane Jeffery Higher Level Teaching Assistant (Outdoor Learning)/Boarding House Parent
- Ms Liz Kirkby Teacher i/c Art (Prep)
- Mrs Maria Langshaw BA (Hons) PGCE 5L Form Teacher
- Mrs Sam Lea NTD CPHCC Reception Teaching Assistant
- Miss Vikki Lovell BEd (Hons) Assistant Head of Pre-Prep (Academic)/Class Teacher (Reception)
- Mrs Georgina Marsden BA (Hons) Learning Support Assistant SENCO (Prep & Pre-Prep)
- Mr James Mathrick BSc (Hons) PGCE QTS Head of Digital Learning
- Mrs Cher McCall Learning Support Assistant
- Mr Nicholas McCall BA (Hons) QTS 6M teacher/Head of Mathematics/Head of Trinity
- Miss Olivia Newnham (PT) BEd (Hons) Assistant Head of Prep (Academic)/4N Form Teacher
- Mrs Penny Ong DPP Deputy Nursery Manager
- Mrs Emma Shaw BA (Hons) Head of Sport (Prep)/Head of Hanover
- Mrs Toni Simons (PT) BEd 4S Form Teacher/Head of Enquiry Led Learning & Tracking
- Ms Tanya Squire NNEB Year 1 Teaching Assistant
- Miss Amy Townson NVQ3 Nursery Assistant
- Mrs Miriam Walker BMus (Hons) MMus PGCE QTS 5W Form Teacher/Head of English & Music (Prep)/Assistant Director of Performing Arts
- Vanessa Winter Year 2 Teaching Assistant
Boarding and Pastoral Team
- Mr Mike Alderton Housemaster, Centenary
- Mrs Sarah Baker Matron
- Ms Sara Brooke Boarding House Day Assistant
- Eden Crumplin House Tutor
- Mr Andrew Daville Head of Boarding
- Mr Thomas Dumbach House Tutor, Millfield
- Mr Henry Edwards Housemaster, Millfield
- Mr Brian Fu Resident House Tutor, Centenary
- Mrs Jane Jeffery Resident House Tutor, Millfield
- Mr Lee Jeffery Resident House Tutor, Millfield
- Mr Peter Johnston School Chaplain
- Mrs Sarah Noyes Independent Listener
- Mr Paul Pavlou House Tutor, Centenary
- Mr Nicholas Percy House Tutor
- Mr Matt Rochford House Tutor
- Miss Charlotte Verleure House Tutor, Millfield
- Ms Cynthia Wang House Tutor, Millfield
Non Teaching Staff
Academic Support
- Mrs Cathy Armstrong Learning Support
- Mr Josh Beale Head Science Technician
- Mrs Jenny Bryant IELTS
- Mrs Jackie Jones Head of Learning Support
- Mrs Georgina Marsden Assistant SENCO (Prep & Pre-Prep)
- Mrs Cherith McCall Learning Support Assistant
- Mrs Elaine Nuttall Examinations Officer
- Mrs Philippa Pavlou Academic Coordinator
- Ms Rona Perkins ESL/SEN
- Miss Poppy Price English/Learning Support
- Mrs Sue Shilton Learning Support Administrator
Administration & Reception
- Mrs Sara Button Sport & Extra-curricular Administrator/Assistant Manager DoE
- Mrs Rebecca Lock (PT) Nursery & Pre-Prep Secretary
- Mrs Helen Mason Reception
- Mr Ian Munroe (PT) Reception
- Mrs Sophie McCue Sixth Form Coordinator and Careers Advisor
- Mrs Chloe O'Donnell (PT) Nursery and Pre-Prep Secretary
- Ms Natascha Nelson PA to the Senior Leadership Group
- Mrs Vicki Willett Prep School Secretary
Admissions, HR, & External Relations
- Mrs Emma Behiry (PT) Social Media and Communications Officer
- Mrs Becky Craik Admissions Registrar & Head Master's PA
- Mrs Tracy Green (PT) HR Manager
- Ms Ra Hennessy (PT) Head of Marketing and Communications
- Miss Alice Hudson Admissions Assistant
- Mrs Amanda Parry HR Administrator
- Mrs Lisa Vis Marketing & External Relations Coordinator
- Mrs Samantha Webb Compliance Officer and Clerk to the Governors
- Ms Emma Bradford Financial Assistant (Fees)
- Miss Lucy Coshell Financial Assistant (Purchase Ledger)
- Mrs Rowena Kennedy Finance Director
- Mrs Lucy Martin Finance Manager
Estates & Operations
- Mrs Claire Everard Events and Letting Manager
- Mrs Becky Pike Estates Manager / Domestic Manager
- Mr Mike Furey Catering Manager
- Mr Gareth Goodbourn Grounds & Maintenance Manager
- Mr Philip Kennedy Grounds and Maintenance Supervisor
- Mr Bruce Shilton Estate & Operations Director
Computer Services
- Mr Ian Arnold Head of Computer Services
- Mr Andrew McCabe Computer Services Technician
- Mr Luke Salter Computer Services Technician
- Mr Robin Wright Senior Computer Services Technician
Governors meet termly with the HeadMaster and Strategic Management Group and regularly throughout the year with members of the Senior Management Team.

Chantal-Aimée Doerries
KC (Chair)

Dr Michele Legg
(Vice Chair)

Ian C McIsaac
(Hereditary Governor)

Christoph Lees

Giles Whitefield
(Chair of the Finance & General Purposes Committee)

Marjon Esfandiary

Caroline Jacobs
- nee Timms
(Safeguarding & Staff Liaison)

Joanna Wallace-Dutton
(Nee Rampling)

Philip Weeks
(Health & Safety Committee)

Fiona Hnatow

Alex Tate

Peter Hamilton
Appointed to the Governing Board in November 2014, Chantal-Aimée grew up between the United States, Germany and England and attended the International School in Hamburg and Roedean School in Brighton followed by the University of Pennsylvania and Cambridge University.
At Cambridge, Chantal-Aimée attended New Hall, now known as Murray Edwards College, and studied history and law. She was President of the Cambridge Union Society in 1989.
In 1992 she was called to the Bar of England and Wales and became a King's Counsel in 2008. She practices from Atkin Chambers in Gray’s Inn where she is currently Head of Chambers. Much of her work involves advising and representing UK and overseas clients in major infrastructure projects. She also sits as an arbitrator resolving commercial disputes.
Chantal was made a Bencher of Middle Temple in 2010 and is a fellow of the American Bar Foundation. She is Co-Editor in Chief of the International Construction Law Review, a joint Editor of the Building Law Reports and a contributing Editor of Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts.
Chantal was Chairman of the Bar of England and Wales in 2016. She became Ryde School Chair of Governors in 2024.
Appointed to the Board in June, 2010. Michele moved to the Island as a child, attending the Convent whilst her brother was at Ryde School, it being boys only at the time. She studied medicine at UCH and Middlesex Medical School, qualifying in 1994, where she also obtained a degree in Neuroscience.
Michele has worked as a doctor for 20 years, the first ten in hospital, the last 11 in general practice on the Isle of Wight. A partner at Tower House Surgery, she leads in areas of business and finance, QOF, osteoporosis, CCG and locality working.
In addition she has been a CCG clinical lead for Dementia and Frail Elderly for several years and chairs several groups. She is the Wessex Academic Health Science Network clinical lead in dementia and the clinical chair of the Isle of Wight CCG, President of the Osteoporosis Society on the Island and a trustee at Age UK.
Michele and her partner Andreas, also an Island GP, have two sons who attended Ryde School. Michele’s other interests include politics, antiques and dog walking
Ian is the grandson of the School's founder and was appointed to the Board as Hereditary Governor in November 2023. He was educated at St Edmund Hall, Oxford, graduating with a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.Ian has extensive experience in finance and risk management following a career in international banking. He held a number of senior risk positions including Head of Credit between 2014 and 2022 at a UK-regulated bank specialising in emerging market foreign exchange and payments.
In this role he worked closely with UK charities and donors, assisting them with the delivery of their overseas aid objectives. He has a strong interest in international development and was responsible for organising and implementing large institution-building projects in the financial sector overseas. He has enjoyed passing on his experience gained as a practitioner and has regularly delivered training on finance, risk and strategy topics.
He has travelled extensively abroad, particularly in Africa.Ian lives in south west London. He is married and has a son and a daughter, and he enjoys a wide range of sports including cycling, cricket, golf, tennis and hill walking
Christoph was at Ryde School from 1975 to 1984 then Guy's Hospital Medical School, University of London qualifying in 1990. After training in London he established a specialist foetal medicine unit at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge in 2001, where he was a consultant for 12 years before moving to London where he is Professor of Obstetrics at Imperial College London, Head of Foetal Medicine at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Visiting Professor at KU Leuven Belgium.
He has held senior roles in the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists overseeing both subspecialist accreditation and basic ultrasound training and was a Trustee of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2015-2023.
He has been a governor of Ryde School since 2013 leading the Strategic Committee, from 2016 serving as Vice Chair, from 2018 - 2024 as Chair.
Christoph lives with his wife Paula and two sons in London and on the Island. He is a keen old car enthusiast, enjoys ski-ing and sails from Yarmouth and Seaview
Giles attended Ryde School from 1972 to 1984, and then completed a BA in Engineering Science at Wadham College, Oxford, also representing his college in a number of sports.
Giles started work at Plessey Radar on the Isle of Wight in 1987 as a systems engineer, moving to managing projects in the 1990s including programmes in South America, the Middle East and SouthEast Asia.
His role transitioned to Siemens before he joined British Aerospace (now BAE Systems) in 1998 and relocated to Hampshire. In 2006 he was seconded to the Ministry of Defence as project manager for one of the two pathfinder programmes under the Defence Acquisition Change Programme.
Giles has held various roles at BAE Systems, in both UK and International programmes, most recently for Australia and Canada, and he now works as Head of Business Development and Strategy for BAE Systems in the Maritime sector. In 2015 Giles completed a PGDip in International Marketing.
Giles lives in Hampshire with his wife Jill and they have two grown up children. Giles is still keen on sport and in his spare time attempts to play cricket and golf
Marjon attended Upper Chine from 1980 to 1984. Her mother and sister also attended the school as did other family members. After school she studied Cell and Molecular Biology at King's College in London and then Law, qualifying as a solicitor at a City law firm. She also has an MBA from London Business School and an LLM in International Law from Edinburgh University.
Marjon now works as a commercial lawyer with an interest in intellectual property, technology, governance and risk management.
She has worked in large publishing (Hachette UK) and consumer goods (Unilever plc) businesses as well as charities (Oxfam and the British Council) and more recently in other parts of the creative industries, advising on all types of legal issues.
She lives with her husband in London and Scotland and enjoys gardening, hill walking, music and learning languages
Caroline joined the Governors in June 2018. She is the third generation of governors in her family, her grandfather Douglas Timms was part of the committee to form the first school fete, her father John Timms was a pupil at the School and Chairman of the Old Rydeians’ Association. Caroline was previously a Governor at Bishop Lovett School.
Caroline was born on the Isle of Wight and educated at St Therese where she was Head Girl while her brother attended Ryde School and was Head Boy. She attended Ryde School in the Sixth Form. Her husband Mark and two children, Imogen and Dominic, previously Head Boy, are also Old Rydeians. Caroline, her husband and son have served on the ORA Committee organising social events.
After leaving school, Caroline spent time in South Africa living and working at Roedean School, a girls’ boarding school in Johannesburg; returning to the UK to train as a Registered General Nurse at St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington.
She returned to the Island in 1990 as an intensive care nurse, becoming an NHS School Nurse as part of the 0-19 team. She enjoys her varied role as a public health nurse, including safeguarding and supporting the health and wellbeing of young people. Educating is very much part of her day job as she is a mentor to student nurses and new staff, in particular teaching Personal Social Health Education.
Caroline lives on the Island and is very involved in the Isle of Wight Music and Drama Festival where she is a steward and performer still. She enjoys singing and has sung with Voices of the Wight alongside her children. She loves spending time with friends and family and, when she has the opportunity, travelling
Joanna attended Upper Chine from April 1980 to July 1989, following on from her three sisters and sister-in-law. Afterwards she gained a Diploma in Water Based Leisure Studies from The College of Maritime Studies, Warsash.
She then worked as a Duty Manager in the Leisure Industry in a variety of indoor and outdoor sports centres and pools and a marina in Portsmouth Harbour.
When she married her husband, who was a member of the Armed Forces, she took work wherever he was posted in the UK and in the Far East including Police Human Resources, Pension Review and a Military Education Centre.
She has three school aged children and lives in the New Forest and works in the Exams Office at a local school. Joanna enjoys playing and watching many sports, in particular swimming. She enjoys travelling and has spent time in Nepal helping in an earthquake-hit village and school.
Much of Philip's career has been spent as a business consultant and specialist recruitment adviser for several national organisations covering much of the UK. He was previously involved with the international renowned Dale Carnegie training and development organisation, supporting leadership training and business management.
More recently Philip has spent the last 12 years working in the estate agent industry, currently working for Spence Willard and overseeing their New Homes & Developments operation.
Philip went to Bembridge School from 1972 to 1981 and his two sons both attended Ryde School
As Chief People Officer at the University of Portsmouth Fiona is responsible for leading the delivery of our People Strategy 2030 which supports our underlying principle of educating and transforming lives, while driving a culture of excellence where all our people can achieve great things.
As a member of the University Executive Board Fiona makes a significant contribution to the strategic direction of the University together with leading a large HR Function with a portfolio including Pay and Reward, EDI, People and Organisational Development, People Operations and Business Partnering.
Prior to joining the University of Portsmouth in 2022, Fiona was the Director of Human Resources at St Mary’s University, Twickenham. Fiona has also worked in strategic and operational HR leadership roles both in the UK and overseas at Transport for London, the City of London Corporation, Surrey County Council, Pearson plc, WWF-UK and Unilever UK and Ireland.
Fiona holds a BA (Hons) in Education and a PGCE (Further Education) from the University of Greenwich and went on to study for a Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management at the University of Westminster.
Fiona has a strong connection to the Isle of Wight through her love of sailing and had the opportunity to move to the Island when she joined the University of Portsmouth
Alex was educated at Pangbourne College and St Edmund Hall, Oxford where he studied Modern History. On leaving university he spent 11 years working in the shipping industry, both in the UK and overseas, with placements in New York, Taiwan and Hong Kong. His final position was General Manager for the business in China based in Shanghai.
In 2006, Alex decided to fulfil a long-held desire to become a teacher, and returned to Oxford University to study for his PGCE. In 2007 he joined the History Department at Dulwich College and in 2009 was appointed Head of Politics. In 2011 he moved to Abingdon School to run a day and boarding house, before becoming Deputy Head at St John's School, Leatherhead in January 2014.
From 2017 - 2023 Alex was Head of Bedford Modern School, an HMC co-educational school for pupils aged 7-18. He joined St John’s Leatherhead as The Head in September 2023.
Outside the classroom Alex is a keen sportsman and has coached rugby, hockey and cricket. He has also travelled widely in the Arctic, having wintered in North-East Greenland and most recently participated in a race to the Magnetic North Pole.
He particularly enjoys cycling, reading and spending time with his family
Peter Hamilton was appointed to the Board in January 2020. He was educated at King Edward VI School in Southampton and Christ Church, Oxford, graduating with an MA in Modern Foreign Languages, First Class.
From April 2002 until August 2018 he was Headmaster of the Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School in Elstree, prior to which he was Headmaster of King Edward VI School, Southampton. He was Chairman of the HMC Academic Policy Committee for six years and has extensive experience in all aspects of the UK independent sector.
He has also examined at all levels in French and German. He started his teaching career at Radley College and moved to Westminster School where he became Head of Modern Languages and a Housemaster.
More recently was appointed Director General of Misk Schools in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He has inspected over 30 schools at home and abroad for ISI and has governed a number of schools throughout his career. He speaks fluent French and German with intermediate Arabic and Russian.
He lives in Wootton Bridge and is married with two daughters. Other interests include horse riding, hill walking, sailing, skiing, comparative literature and foreign cinema
Getting In Touch
Chair: Chantal - Aimée Doerries KC
The Chair may be contacted at the following address:
c/o Ryde School,
Queen’s Road,
Ryde, Isle of Wight,
PO33 3BE
Tel: 01983 562229
Clerk to the Governors: Samantha Webb