8th January 2024

January 2024 Ski Trips

Both groups of Ski Trips have returned after a wonderful time in the snow! 

The Prep Ski trip was a hit, pupils and parents had a superb week in the Southern Alps on the Prep Family Ski Trip over the New Year! Some fantastic skiing was had and all the pupils (and some parents) showed massive improvement through the week!

Ryde Prep School pupils and teacher on January 2024 Ski Trip

The Senior School trip was also enjoyed by all: 

Fourty of our students took off to the former Olympic resort of Sestriere in Italy the week before Christmas for the Senior School Ski Trip. Despite being one of the few places in the Alps where snow wasn’t plentiful, they had a great week of skiing and Aprés-Ski activities.

The students were met with sunshine and blue skies almost every morning as they took to the slopes. There were six hours of ski instruction every day and each of the groups from beginner to advanced threw themselves into the challenge and made great progress. One of the groups even had a former Italian World Cup and Olympic Slalom skier teaching them (like having driving lessons from Max Verstappen!).

Typically, as with most ski trips, most of the chat back in the hotel was more about who had the best wipeout each day. In the cold crispy evenings they headed out for a variety of Aprés-Ski activities including ice skating, pizza night, a trip to the cinema and of course buckets of gelato.

As always, Ryde School students showed that they travel very well and are top tourists, the staff and instructors were very impressed with the fantastic behaviour and positive attitudes of the group throughout what was a great week in the mountains.

Ryde School pupils on January 2024 Ski Trip