Sports | Senior School | Ryde School | Isle of Wight


Sports and the outdoors play a big part in Ryde School life. Most of our sports training takes place on the main school site where we have a cricket square, sports hall and pavilion, rugby and hockey pitches, tennis and netball courts, small Astro and a Strength & Conditioning facility.

Inter-schools matches with Island and mainland schools are played at the School, off island or on our large Astro pitches at Smallbrook. We build a healthy fixtures list every term, mainly on Saturdays, with schools on and off the Island and many of our pupils will also play their chosen sport/s for local and mainland clubs, some at county, academy and even national level.

Sports Mission Statement:

“Our mission is to provide an exceptional sports programme, encompassing a diverse range of opportunities suited to all ability levels. We strive for excellence, foster character and inspire a lifelong passion for sport, physical activity and health. We are proud of our island and we embrace its unique challenges to ensure our community can access and succeed in a wide range of sports at all levels.”

We offer the following team sports throughout the year:

  • Cricket
  • Hockey
  • Netball
  • Rugby
  • Sailing

We also offer a mix of other sports and fitness pursuits: 

  • Rowing
  • Athletics
  • Tennis
  • Golf
  • Squash
  • Yoga and Mindfulness
  • Football
  • Fitness and Gym
  • Badminton

Ryde School Senior Pupils playing cricket


"The people at Ryde are pretty special. Ryde attracts some truly great staff and students and this helps build a unique environment to work in . Our school is extremely good at creating genuine characters. Pupils who aren't one trick ponies, but play competitive sport, sing in the choir, act in the drama productions - all whilst balancing their studies."

- Frank Bagnall, Director of Sport


Sailing is a key focus offered to all from novice to advanced and we now compete against other schools in team racing as well entering national regattas.

At Ryde we are proud to be one of the few non-selective schools in the country that offers sailing within the curriculum, allowing all pupils from Prep to Sixth Form, beginner to elite, to experience and develop sailing. 

Sailing at Ryde School

We work with partners across the Island to maximise opportunities for our sailing pupils, beginner and elite alike: Tackt-Isle, Royal Thames Yacht Club via Cowes, Sea View Yacht Club, and Tuesday night racing with the Island Sailing Club.

"At Ryde we hold a firm belief that sailing builds resilience, independence and confidence in our young people. Our proximity to the heart of the UK sailing scene and the contacts and partnerships that affords, ensures our pupils have access to opportunities unrivalled for beginner to elite dinghy sailing and small, medium and large keelboat practice and racing through the curriculum and inter schools competitive racing."