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At the heart of our school day are the core subjects of Maths, English and STEM. Our wider curriculum in both Pre-Prep and Prep is enriched with a bespoke range of subjects and topics.
Children are encouraged to embrace inquiry led learning, a love of reading and show ambition each day. Further to this, specialist teachers in music, sport, the arts and languages ensure each day is filled with a variety of lessons with a level of both support and challenge that we believe is unrivalled. The teaching team in Prep is highly qualified and experienced and the unique qualities of each child are recognised and nurtured. Our aim is to ensure our children become confident, active and independent learners, equipped with a firm foundation of skills. |
YEARS 3 - 6 |
Our enhanced curriculum has been designed around enquiry led learning, Habits of Mind, and Digital Wisdom, helping to ensure that academic achievement is underpinned by a commitment to our values and emotional well-being. A ‘Big Idea’ sits at the core of each term and provides the focus and inspiration for children’s learning across all subjects. Exploring the ‘Big Idea’ in imaginative and creative ways allows children to deepen their understanding in ways that best suit them. Our 1:1 ChromeBook Scheme, a parent funded programme, is integral to our enhanced curriculum, providing our children with the tools to elevate learning and develop digital knowledge. The tablets are used for research, reflection and project development and with a specific learning platform chosen to support spelling, grammar, reading and maths online. |
Learning Support |
Our friendly Learning Support Department provides additional support to children from Nursery to the Sixth Form. Support is provided in the form of individual or small group tuition for children whose academic progress is hindered by specific learning difficulties such as: dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia or other learning needs. |
Our curriculum allows for flexibility and vertical integration, enabling children to access learning that is appropriate for their individual needs and stage of development. Learning support assistants will be planned into daily lessons with specialist SEN support from our Learning Support Department. Our ‘stretch and challenge’ programme utilises a high learning potential framework and allows staff to recognise children’s individual extra needs as well as deliver learning experiences that offer the necessary stretch and support. |