Undefeated Sailing Team| News Stories | Ryde School | Isle of Wight



31 January 2025


Our sailors recently travelled seven hours to Suffolk to compete in the Suffolk Shiver hosted by Royal Hospital School. For the first time this event was invitational, with only the eight top performing team-racing teams from across the country invited.

Ryde School went into the weekend aware of the high calibre of teams and looking forward to intense racing and learning opportunities. Winds were consistently mid-strength on Saturday and the objective was to complete a full round robin of the 11 teams present. The first team to sail consisted of James, Elias, Sam, Ruby, Zeb and Catherine, who dominated from the start and managed to beat Rutland Rebels in race one - a feat our sailors have never managed before, and a momentous achievement. The team went on to beat Rutland Rebels five times over the weekend.

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Our second team started strong and performed well throughout the day, identifying their development areas for training sessions in the coming months.
The early win against Rutland meant Ryde School won the final tie break and won the event overall.With thanks to Miss Dyer for completing the mammoth drive to Suffolk and back and both teams involved. Ryde School has now won the last 13 events attended, and they remain undefeated for 18 months. Congratulations sailors!